Wecome to my website!

Heya! I'm Funky, welcome to my personal corner of the web!

Here I'm trying to reclaim some of the essence of the old internet, not as dependent on social media and algorithms. This is my very first website, however, so expect jank.


  • 16.09.2024 - Added links to my partner's pages. Added a new gallery page with stuff made by me. Updated the song.
  • 13.09.2024 - Changed the song, enjoy some sick Risk of Rain tunes!
  • 12.09.2024 - Finally made a landing page for the gallery. Screenshots page in there is up and running. Also more buttons.
  • 11.09.2024 - Properly centered buttons and spread them into 2 categories.
  • 09.09.2024 - New background time! Also added link back section and made an actual header.
  • 07.09.2024 - Added changelog section, guestbook and music player.
  • 05.09.2024 - Updated sidebar, added featured GIF and chatbox.

  • Cool websites:

    Jade Everstone Kromer Lexicon Rat Sharpie Paws Tan Guy Wild Bread hogsite dimden dustedpink Got milk? Cow! Gay Google Yesterweb: reclaim the net Riversideee Sapero Card Castle Spork

    Miscellaneous buttons:

    Aural Alliance Play with STEAM Sears Bepis 7Zip Moist Music 3.5 Jack Arch Linux Neocities Web Design is my passion Made directly in neocities code editor, like an idiot Discord Firefox Froggy Half Life Jellyfin Linux Online Mastodon Join Fediverse Gay Pride Void The Orb Tumblr 2018 Trans your gender Winamp Yandex Ham Explorer Wikia sucks Support Wikipedia Tested on Firefox Thunderbird Kris where tf are we Cheese Dancing Skeletons JoJo Gitea I support right to repair Lego Star Wars Metal Gear Solid Shrek 2